If this is your financial goal let me help you.
What’s your financial goal!?
free passive income without working
buy home let’s see rent vs buy home
luxury car let’s see rent vs buy car
passive income (not actually passive)
investig in real estate (let’s know the truth)
Investig in stock market
investig in mutual funds
investig in life insurance (not an insurance , if it’s endowment plan it comes with insurance, saving)
100rs daily = 3000 per month.
strategy 1 mutual funds SIP
historical mutual funds return 12% in 10-15 years
15-17% in 25-30 years.
assume 15% cagar in 30 years.
mutual funds SIP of Rs 3,000 per month in 30 years.(hope I knew this before🤦)
investment: 10,80,000
interest earned: 1,99,49,461
total return: 2,10,29,461
annual inflation rate: 4-8%
stock market index funds large cap
gives you same + 15% in long term based historical data.
SIP with annual Steupup booster
1st year : 3000*12= 36000
2nd year 36000+15%=
Step-up SIP is also known as top-up SIP. You are essentially topping up your SIP by a certain percentage every year .
30 years.
investment: 1,56,37,884 (1cr invested)
reutrn accured: 6,18,35,684 (6cr gained)
total return: 7,74,73,568 (7cr)
If 17% cagr in 30 years.
10,72,57,314 (10cr but how hard it is😅)
that’s why the mindset is everything, speculating future & making 2 plans upon success & failure.
If I knew /did this early? the biggest financial regret!
saving from 20% salary also a debt , believe or not.
if you are planning for your future, what about your children,wife etc.
regardless of whatever your income is, you can save 20% from income like govt charging you 20-30% income as tax indirect or direct.
when to invest?
biggest asset makes huge reuturns our soul , body.
it also need to enjoy your wealth, building stronger, healthier body & mind gives, ability manage people, that means your managing their money too.
earnings 100$ from self vs $1 from 100 people is great and easier , huge growth opportunities.
saving , investment retail, investing in self, investig in own business, investig in other business by stocks,
investing other business by venture capitals,
find need / problems of customers solving it pulling their money.
Checkout SIP calculator, and power of compounding interrest.
Don’t fall in get rich quick scheme?
some people lend at 24% but not recovered peer2peer lending.
a company asked invest & return will be 30%
7000₹ in 70000₹ in 10days with forex trading
my Freind invested 4 days back I knew it gonna fail,
or lure him for big amount then it’s gonna fail like MLM.
the key: production grows normal rate, based on demand. (business is all about need fullfilling).
if business makes huge grow because another competitor not entered in the game.