Know about e aadhar card service download adhar, correct the Name and date of birth etc on ssup Resident Portal.
Enrollment services
- download duplicated aadhar online
- retrieve forgotten enrollment number or aadhaar
- check aadhar card status
- get aadhar number on mobile.
- aadhar centres with banks & office list
- nearest aadhar centres by private contractors
E Adhar card download 3 ways
Aadhaar download BY Enrollment number
Just visit or visit and go for aadhaar enrollment services
The click on Download E aadhar card this will takes you to the E aadhaar download form.
On the adhar download Form select, E aadhar download BY Enrollment Number instead of Adhar Number download Aadhaar Number.
Enter the Following details
- EnrollemtnNumber Including date and Time of Enrollment.
- Mobile Number
- Pincode
- Name as same on The enrollment slip.
Authorize Mobile Number and Click on validate and download the e adhar card on
2.E Aadhar download by Adhaar Number
Follow the above process adhar download by the enrollment process. but just select aadhaar Number and instead of Enrollment Number.
Enter the 12 Digit Aadhaar Number and remaining details are same as enrolment details.
If Your Mobile Number is Not Valid or Invalid. in that case UIDAI will ask you choose enrollment Number instead of Aadhar Number.
3.Download E adhar By Name & DOB without Mobile Number
Downloading Aadhaar without Mobile Number: If you have not update any mobile Number while enrollment process. Then uidai asks you to enter any of the Mobile Number only with enrollment Number, not with adhar Number.
Downloading E aadhaar By Name & Date Of Birth
This is not possible. to get Aadhaar Details of the candidate following details required.
FInd Enrollment Number or Aadhaar Number with following details
- Name
- Mobile Number
- Email Address
E Aadhar Update Name, Address, Age, DOB Gender, Mobile
Update at SSUP Aadhar Self Service Update Portal
- Visit the Above SSUP Uidai Portal Read the instructions.
- Enter the Aadhaar Number and login to SSUP portal.
- Select the data to Update Name, Address, Age, Gender, Date of Birth, Relationship type, Mobile Number and Email Adress.
- Tick on any one of the above to correct or select multiple based on the aadhaar correction.
- Enter the correct details preview and submit.
Upload documents to SSUp aadhar self-service portal
- As uidai already mentioned documents to upload for aadhar update online. change Photo, Name, DOB etc
- No documents required for updating Mobile Number and email id.
E aadhar update also done offline by post and Aadhar enrollment centre.
E aadhaar card status @
Two ways we can check E aadhaar status By Aadhar Number and Enrollment Number.
Checking e aadhaar as same as downloading aadhar card just visit or click here to check Aadhaar status.
AAdhaar Update services
- Update aadhar details online,
- correct details at enrollment center
- check update status which made online.
- check status of correction made at Enrollment center /offline.
Check E aadhar Update URN Status @ SSUP Portal
Aadhaar Number and URN Number (URN Stands for Unique Reference Number for E Aadhaar Correction Online)
- Visit SSUP URN status page,
- Enter Aadhaar Number and URN Number
- Enter Captcha and click On get Status.
- You will see Message Like Aadhaar correction successful, Pending, Rejected etc.
After Enrollment
- view Verify Aadhaar: you can see aadhar number details in the database.
- Verify Email/Mobile: check your mobile number is up to date with UID.
- Lock Biometrics to disable thumb authentication.
- Check Aadhaar & Bank Account Linking Status
- check Aadhaar Authentication History with POS banks etc
- Generate Aadhaar Virtual ID
- Verify Aadhaar Number & Email Phone Number
On Aadhaar verification Portal we can verify either Aadhaar Number and contact details at a time.
For Aadhaar verification
Only we have to enter the Aadhaar Number Only.
To verify Email and Mobile Number we need to enter Both email and Mobile Number along with E aadhaar Number.
Validate it OTP sent to both email id and Mobile Number.
Aadhar charges at Enrolment Centres
- Enrollment /fresh registration >> free for residents (but Rs 50 paid by government).
- FIngerprints,iris update >> free for residents>>(Rs 25 paid by government)
- Update name, dob, address >>>25 Rupees from citizens/(from us).
- Update photo >> 25 rupees by residents.
- aadhar card print out colour>> 25 Rupess.
- aadhar card black & white print >> 10 INR.
- Ration card status free
About uidai exam for operators.
sify conducts online exam but you need to have support from aadhar contractors from uidai. application for permanent aadhar centre.
you can open aadhar franchise along with railway, air ticket booking.